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3 step salad – for a picnic!


Updated: Jun 10, 2021

We went camping last weekend- which included a great time incorporating salads made with a whole bunch of good local and seasonal foods. This included three kinds of lettuce from our CSA share!

I threw the cut up greens into our awesome collapsible salad spinner for a quick rinse and into the cooler the whole thing went.

Various toppings went into an accompanying mason jar. I threw all of the toppings together, but could be separated for your picnic. They included fresh, baby red onions- from our CSA, roasted chicken, dilly beans, sun-dried tomatoes in oil, and sunflower seeds.

The dressing was in a separate jar, and together it all made an instant picnic.

Expanding on this salad for a more substantial meal, we threw these new potatoes(!) into the fire coals and roasted them up to go with – this is a trick we learned in Lesotho. Brats from the Co-op or baked beans, also on the fire, worked well to round out the meal.

Not the first time we’ve done this lately, this one was inspired by a great salad at Palouse Falls a few weeks ago-

Where we used our base dressing recipe with tahini and put it into a reused mustard bottle for the picnic –

What do you love to take on a picnic? Put on salad? Where is your favorite picnic spot in the Palouse-Clearwater region?

Let us know below – in the comments section…

In gratitude- especially to Shane McFarland for always helping to clean up the mess I make!



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