I can seldom resist berries – ever, let alone from the Farmer’s Market. Most of the time this results in Shane shaking his head as we leave with an entire flat (he blames my Norwegian heritage – click here for a fun link to a Norwegian berry-picking song, berries are a pretty big deal there!) Though after we start eating berries the head-shaking tends to stop…
Coming out of Oregon, these folks from Aichele Farms, grow strawberries, raspberries and blackberries and sell them at their ever-popular booth at the Moscow Farmer’s Market.
This recipe is adapted from a baked oatmeal recipe, I found in the Penzey’s spice catalog. Here, I have made it gluten-free and vegan. Using a potato starch egg substitute (though flax seed, chia seed or your favorite egg substitute would work equally well, I’m sure), almond milk, applesauce that we made last year with apples from a local U-pick orchard, some great homemade vanilla that we received as a Christmas gift from Shane’s crafty cousin (vanilla bean soaked in cheap brandy or vodka for six months), a little bit of maple syrup, a bunch of cinnamon and salt, along with the oats and amazing berries.
You will want just over 2 cups of liquid that should be mostly milk but including applesauce, vanilla, etc…, 3 cups of oats and 2 cups of berries for an 8×8 pan.
The recipe comes together very easily, mixing everything but the berries together. Then, layer half of the mixture into a baking dish, cover with berries and then spread the remaining oatmeal mixture over top of the whole thing and bake at 350 for about an hour.
Top with a few more berries and your favorite other things that could be nuts, yogurt, more cinnamon, goat cheese, and enjoy! This also reheats very well. I made a big pan, and we ate it for a solid breakfast for most of the week.
Do you love berries as much as I do? Do you have your own berry patch in your back yard? Do you wish there was a source for organic, local oats? Let us know in the comments below!
In gratitude- especially to Shane McFarland for always helping to clean up the mess I make!