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Celebrating early spring flowers! -Carol McFarland


Updated: Jun 9, 2021

Every year I know it is spring when I see daffodils, and it is time! I love their sunny, yellow happy faces. We have some that we planted, when we first moved in on our anniversary in August, growing in front of our apartment. This may be frowned upon within our apartment complex… but they make a great combo with the grape hyacinths or muscari that were already there and seem to attract evening moths to their nectar.

We also got to enjoy a short adventure on Saturday to see how the U-Pick flowers over on Old Moscow Highway and Sunshine road are coming along this spring at Sunshine Crafts and Flowers.

We found some beautiful daffodils there, and picked a small bouquet to enjoy with our Sunday Dinner. They are so affordable (at around $7 for a good size bouquet), add cheer and mental health benefits to your spring table without as many nasty chemicals and the huge carbon footprint of conventional floral bouquets. The farmers John and Jane Stratton have done an excellent job of having flowers during pretty much all of the non-frozen seasons of the Palouse. Their lovely farm, tucked on a scenic Palouse road is truly a gem in our community!

Do you grow and/or love spring bulbs? What’s your favorite? Have you been out to Sunshine Flowers? Let us know by commenting below!

Check them out – you can even see my windowsill sprouts catching some sun next to them!

With Gratitude- especially to Shane McFarland for always helping to clean up the mess I make!



Growing Muscari

Mental Health Benefits of Flowers:

Environmental Impact of Cut-Flowers



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