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Lentil Fest!


Did you go to the National Lentil Festival in Pullman last weekend? We did, and we had a great time! It’s not every day that we get to dress up like a vegetable and joing a parade (and have all your friends see/mock you for it), listen to one of our favorite musicians and eat from a big bowl of lentil chili in a (smoky) celebration of lentils! I even saw Timeless Seeds there from Ulm, MT. When I was back home, I bought from these guys a lot – especially their black Kabuli chickpeas! There was also some great produce available from local farmers Omache Farm and Wilson Banner Ranch, who I always enjoy seeing at the various markets in the PCW region. The Moscow Food Co-op had a booth too, where I picked up some great lentil recipe cards courtesy of legume-growing PNW Farmer’s Co-Op – stayed tuned for lentil brownies and other intriguing creations!

Blake Noble on the digeree-doo and Butch Coug Rockin’ out!

The famous Lentil Festival lentil chili! Get it with a breadstick and support Habitat for Humanity

While out walking, we happened upon Koppel Farm Community Garden plots. Check out the pictures, they are on the trail out of Reaney Park toward the beginning of the Chipman trail to Moscow, on the Koppel Farm Loop trail.

Community gardens are such a great opportunity for individuals to sign up for a seasonal garden plot and grow your own vegetables. There are many opportunities for community gardening throughout the Palouse-Clearwater region.

Even some lucky apartment complexes have them, like the ones our neighbors enjoy at Family Graduate Housing on the WSU campus. Fortunately, there are too many community garden options in the Palouse-Clearwater region name here! If you love community gardening, and/or know the best plots in the region please share in the comments below.

We’ll look forward to celebrating lentils with you next year!

Always with gratitude- especially to Shane McFarland for helping to clean up the messes I make (and for dressing up like a vegetable with me)!


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