As leaves crunch under my feet on the way to farmer’s market, I’ve been getting the urge to snack more than usual. Finding myself in pursuit of more quick mini-meals, I’ve been challenged to find simple, healthy, quick and easy options, fitting my dietary restrictions, especially those that are local. Fortunately, fresh food isn’t gone from the Palouse-Clearwater region just yet and the amazing folks at Aichele farms are still bringing their beautiful strawberries to the Moscow Farmer’s Market. These great berries are such a treat and form a lovely, sweet core to a pre-lunch snack pack from yesterday. I added fresh carrots from our Omache Farm CSA for a good balance of veg. Lastly, you see right – walnuts! These walnuts were grown in Moscow Idaho, and were super-yummy (and not too hard to shell!). I picked them up from Alan Family Farms who are selling them at both the Moscow and Pullman Farmer’s Market. Tomorrow is the last day of the Pullman market, so stock up now! This was a great, balanced, mini-meal, that helped tide me over until my next snack attack! I hope you find it inspiring and please share your favorite local food-based snack ideas in the comments, I’d love to hear them –
Always with gratitude- especially to Shane McFarland for helping to clean up the messes I make!